Staying Sober During Holiday BBQ’s

Staying sober with a plan is key
Holiday BBQ’s can increase your risk of relapse. But don’t worry – staying sober can happen with a plan.

Staying sober during holiday get togethers can be difficult.  The 4th of July is coming up in a week.    Holiday BBQ’s are typically filled with hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad & of course, cold refreshments (beer, wine & perhaps red, white & blue jello shots). 

So it can increase your risk of relapse.  There’s some good news of course in that if you have a plan for those types of events, it is way easier to keep your recovery in check.

Here are a few tips to help you with creating that plan

Stay close to the sober people

Not everyone will be drinking.  The people that are the drinkers typically stay together.  However, let’s say everyone is drinking (worst case scenario) nominate yourself to be the DD (designated driver) & let the host know that ahead of time. 

The host of the party & drinkers will appreciate that you are acting responsibly to make sure they get home safely.

Practice your excuse before the event

Everyone does not need to know all of your business unless you want them to. Sometimes it can lower your self-esteem & increase your feelings of shame.  Drug and alcohol problems have people feeling so much shame.  Let go of that and decide ahead of time (key point- figure this out ahead of time) what you will say. 

You can always role play this with a loved one.  I guarantee there is someone in your corner that wants you to stay sober and if not, give me a call.  It’s free and I would love to help you figure this out. 

Some examples of excuses that work & people typically won’t question (& if they do, ignore them & stand your ground)

“I don’t drink”

“My doctor said I can’t drink”

“I have to drive”  

“I’m on a 30 day no alcohol cleanse”

“I’m the DD for the evening”

Do Not Feel Guilty about Staying Sober

I know if you tell them no, they might continue to put the pressure on and make you feel like you are the fun sucker of the party.  Stand fast friend.  Your sobriety is the number 1 important thing in this and not a random BBQ that happens every year. 

The Big Picture

Look at the big picture & if you are reading this, I know you know that alcohol is a problem in your life.  Take a moment & imagine how good you are going to feel when you wake up the day after the BBQ with no shame.  What a win….you stayed sober.  It’s an awesome feeling & this whole deal gets easier with time.  Trust me it does with practice.

If you are struggling and worried about staying sober at the upcoming 4th of July festivities, please reach out and schedule your free 15 min phone consultation so we can talk about ways to help you stay sober. 

Schedule Free Phone Consultation

Let’s talk about it so you can enjoy yourself on this Independence Day because you know what you are breaking free from alcohol.  Talk about freedom! 

Here is where you can find more information about alcohol counseling

Staying Sober at BBQ's
Tips to Staying Sober at BBQ’s

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