
Finding a DOT SAP in Florida: Your Guide in 2024

How to find a DOT qualified SAP in Florida

When it comes to finding a DOT SAP (Substance Abuse Professional) in 2024 and in Florida might seem a bit overwhelming, but don’t worry—I’ve got your back! Let’s break it down in simple steps.

What’s a DOT SAP?:

A DOT SAP is like a safety expert. A SAP is required after an employee tests positive on a required drug or alcohol screen or refuses to test. A SAP will conduct an assessment, create a treatment plan to help the employee get back to work safely.

Go Online for Help Searching for a DOT SAP:

Look for DOT SAPs online using google, lists, and groups. Just consider the source as sometimes driver forums may not have correct and up to date information on the process. You want to find a SAP that is knowledgeable about the RTD (return to duty) process.

Make Sure the SAP is Certified

A SAP should have a current SAP credential. These certificates show that they know all the latest rules especially with the Clearinghouse process.

Think about time & place

Your DOT SAP should be someone who can help you fast and conveniently. You can complete the process remotely online or in person near you. Unfortunately, SAPS may be difficult to locate in person and you may have to travel far to get to them. Luckily, the DOT has authorized SAP’s to offer SAP assessments and follow ups remotely which means the SAP can do a video call with you. SAP assessments and follow ups must be face to face by video or in person.

In a nutshell, finding a DOT SAP in Florida and in 2024 is like finding a friendly guide through the return to duty process while keeping everyone safe at work. Remember to learn about what they do, check for certificates, explore online, ask friends or family, and think about what’s convenient for you. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to getting back to work quickly and safely.

If you should have any questions regarding the SAP process in Florida, please feel free to call me at (727) 815-6017.

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Staying Strong: Thanksgiving and Sobriety with a Tricky Family

Thanksgiving can be a special time to gather with family, but it can also be tough, especially when dealing with a family that feels a bit challenging. If you’re working on staying sober and finding it hard with a dysfunctional family during this time, you’re not alone. Here are some helpful tips and thoughts to help you stay strong and positive during Thanksgiving.

Create Your Support Squad

It’s super important to have people you trust around you during tough times. Talk to a family member or a friend who understands your situation and can support you during Thanksgiving. Having someone there for you can make a big difference.

Have a Game Plan

Before heading into the family gathering, make a plan. Think about what you’ll say if someone offers you a drink or pressures you. Having a plan in mind can help you feel more confident and prepared.

Focus on Non-Alcoholic Treats

Thanksgiving is all about the food! Fill up your plate with delicious non-alcoholic drinks and snacks. Treat yourself to some yummy mocktails or fancy sodas. When your hands are occupied with tasty treats, it’s easier to say no to alcohol.

Take Breaks When Needed

If things start feeling overwhelming, it’s totally okay to take a breather. Find a quiet spot or take a short walk to clear your mind and relax. Sometimes a few moments alone can make a big difference.

Create New Traditions

Start a new tradition that doesn’t involve alcohol. Maybe it’s playing board games, watching a favorite movie, or taking a family walk. Creating new memories without alcohol can be refreshing and fun!

Stay Positive and Kind to Yourself

Remember, you’re doing an amazing thing by staying sober. Be proud of yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself if things get tough. You’re taking care of yourself, and that’s something to celebrate.

Thanksgiving can be a mixed bag of emotions, especially with a dysfunctional family, but staying sober is an incredible achievement. Surround yourself with support, have a plan, and focus on enjoying the positive moments. You’ve got this!

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🌟 Discover Hope this Christmas with Ornaments of Recovery on Etsy! 🎄

Transform your holiday season into a celebration of strength, resilience, and hope with our exclusive collection of handcrafted sobriety-themed ornaments at Positive Directions Recovery Shop on Etsy!

🌈 Meaningful Milestones:

Embrace and showcase your recovery journey with pride! Our ornaments feature sobriety milestones, turning your Christmas tree into a visual representation of the triumphs you’ve achieved.

🎁 Thoughtful Gifts:

Looking for a heartfelt gift for a loved one in recovery? Our ornaments make for the perfect present. Show your support and celebrate their journey with a unique and meaningful token that will be cherished for years to come.

🌲 Spark Conversations:

Transform your holiday gatherings into moments of connection and understanding. Our ornaments serve as powerful conversation starters, fostering open discussions about addiction recovery and spreading awareness.

This Christmas, let your decorations tell a story of triumph, growth, and the promise of a brighter future. Visit Positive Directions Recovery Shop on Etsy today and make this holiday season a celebration of recovery and resilience! 🌟🎁🌲

🌟 Discover Hope this Christmas with Ornaments of Recovery on Etsy! 🎄 Read More »

Finding a DOT SAP in Florida: What You Need to Know

How to find a DOT qualified SAP in Florida

If you’ve heard about DOT SAP in Florida and are wondering what it is and how to find one, you’re in the right place. DOT SAP stands for Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Professional, and they play a crucial role in helping individuals who have violated drug and alcohol regulations return to safety-sensitive positions in the transportation industry.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that DOT SAPs are certified professionals with specific training in substance abuse evaluation and treatment. When someone in a safety-sensitive position fails a drug or alcohol test, it is the DOT SAP who assesses the situation and creates a plan for the individual’s recovery.

Finding a DOT SAP is relatively straightforward. You can start by asking your employer or human resources department, as they should be able to provide you with a list of approved DOT SAPs in your area. Additionally, there are directories of certified SAPs on the SAP list website. This directory can help you locate a DOT SAP near you.

When selecting a DOT SAP, it’s crucial to consider their experience and credentials. Make sure they are a certified DOT SAP and have a good understanding of the transportation industry’s regulations. The DOT SAP will evaluate your situation, recommend appropriate education or treatment programs, and monitor your progress.

Keep in mind that working with a DOT SAP is an essential step in getting back to work after a substance abuse violation. They are there to help ensure that you are fit for duty and can safely perform your job in the transportation industry.

In conclusion, finding a DOT SAP in Florida is a vital part of the process if you’ve had a substance abuse violation while working in a safety-sensitive position. With the assistance of a certified DOT SAP, you can navigate the necessary steps for evaluation, treatment, and recovery and eventually return to your job in the transportation industry. Always remember to follow the guidance of your SAP and complete the recommended programs to ensure a safe and successful return to work.

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How to Beat Holiday Anxiety, Stay Sober and Strong Around Difficult Toxic Family Members

There are tips below to Beat Holiday Anxiety & Stay Sober When Around Toxic Family Members

The holiday season is meant to be a time of happiness, love, and laughter. But what if you have a tough time when you’re around family members who make you feel anxious or unhappy? Don’t worry – you can learn how to manage your anxiety and stay strong during the holidays. Here are some simple tips to help you enjoy the season without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Take Deep Breaths: When you start to feel anxious, remember to take slow, deep breaths. This can help you calm down and think more clearly. Try counting to four as you breathe in, and then count to four as you breathe out.
  • Stay Positive: Focus on the good things about the holidays. It could be the delicious food, the pretty decorations, or the joy of gift-giving. Try to find something positive to think about, even when you’re around tough family members.
  • Set Boundaries: It’s important to know your limits. If a conversation is making you uncomfortable, politely excuse yourself or change the subject. You have the right to protect your feelings.
  • Find a Support System: Talk to a friend or someone you trust about your feelings. Sometimes, sharing your worries with someone who cares can make you feel better. You can also find a 12 Step meeting to attend. They are everywhere & many offer 24 hour meetings during the holidays like on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day or New Years Day.
  • Practice Relaxation: Find ways to relax. You could try yoga, meditation, or even listening to calming music. Doing something you enjoy can help you unwind.
  • Have Fun Distractions: Go for a walk outside or to the store shopping or just looking around. This can be a great way to take your mind off any stress. Don’t be afraid to take a break if you need one.

Remember, it’s okay to feel anxious or upset during the holidays, especially when you’re around difficult family members. But with these tips, you can reduce your anxiety and stay strong. The holidays should be a time for joy and love, and by taking care of yourself, you can make sure that’s what you experience.

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The DOT SAP Return to Duty Process: Getting Back on Track

Have you ever wondered what happens when someone working in a safety-sensitive job, like a truck driver or a pilot, faces issues with drugs or alcohol? The Department of Transportation (DOT) has a process in place called the Return to Duty (RTD) process, and in this article, we’ll explore what it is and how it works.

Understanding the Need:

The DOT RTD process is necessary to ensure the safety of everyone involved, including the person struggling with substance abuse, their coworkers, and the public. When someone violates DOT drug and alcohol regulations, they are temporarily removed from their safety-sensitive job until they can prove they are no longer a risk.

Assessment by a SAP:

The first step in the RTD process involves the individual meeting with a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). The SAP is a trained expert who evaluates the extent of the person’s substance abuse problem. Based on this assessment, the SAP creates a personalized plan for recovery.

Completing Recommendations & Treatment

Once the SAP’s plan is in place, the individual must follow through with it. This often includes participating in treatment programs such as substance abuse education, counseling or rehabilitation. Completing these programs is crucial for addressing the root causes of substance abuse.

Testing and Monitoring:

After completing the treatment program, the person must undergo drug and alcohol testing to demonstrate they are no longer using substances. They must pass these tests to move forward. Additionally, they may have to attend follow-up sessions with the SAP to monitor their progress and commitment to recovery.

The SAP’s Recommendation:

Finally, the SAP makes a recommendation regarding the individual’s readiness to return to their safety-sensitive job. If the SAP believes the person is fit for duty and no longer poses a risk, they can return to work.

The DOT SAP RTD process is designed to help individuals overcome substance abuse issues and safely return to their safety-sensitive jobs. It’s not just about getting back to work; it’s about ensuring that everyone on the road or in other critical positions is safe. By following this process, people can make a fresh start and contribute to a safer and more secure transportation system.

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Mindfulness: A Powerful Tool for Overcoming Addiction

Recovering from addiction can be super tough. It’s like trying to climb a big mountain with lots of obstacles. But guess what? You have an amazing tool in your backpack: mindfulness! Let’s break it down to understand how it can help.

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is like a superpower that helps you stay in the present moment. It means paying attention to what’s happening right now without worrying about the past or the future. It’s like being the boss of your thoughts and feelings. Think of your mind as a factory that produces thoughts. These thoughts can be about the past, the future, or what’s happening right this second. They’re like a never-ending stream of ideas, memories, and worries.

Mindfulness is like flipping a switch in your brain. It’s when you decide to pay attention to what’s happening right in front of you, without getting lost in those thoughts about the past or future. It’s like watching a movie without checking your phone or daydreaming. In mindfulness, you don’t judge your thoughts. You don’t label them as good or bad. Instead, you accept them just as they are and let them come and go, like watching clouds pass in the sky.

Understanding Triggers

Imagine you have a big red button that makes you want to use drugs or alcohol. These buttons are called triggers. Mindfulness helps you spot these buttons. When you know your triggers, you can deal with them better. It’s like having a map to avoid tricky spots on your climb.

Controlling Emotions

Sometimes, our thoughts bring along feelings – like happiness, sadness, or anger. Mindfulness helps you notice these feelings without getting swept away by them. It’s like saying, “Hey, I see you, feeling, but I won’t let you take over.”

Less Cravings

Cravings are like waves that want to pull you back into addiction. Mindfulness helps you watch those cravings without giving in to them. It’s like saying, “I see you, craving, but I’m not going to listen to you.”

Handling Stress

Life can be super stressful, and stress can lead to relapse. Mindfulness gives you tools to calm your mind. Breathing exercises and meditation can be your secret weapons against stress. When you practice mindfulness, it’s like giving your brain a rest from all the worrying and planning. This can reduce stress and make you feel more at ease.

Feeling Better About Yourself

Addiction can make you feel bad about yourself. Mindfulness is like a mirror that shows you the awesome person you are. It teaches self-love and self-acceptance.

Learning New Ways to Cope

Mindfulness often involves taking a few deep breaths to help you stay focused on the present. It’s like a little break for your mind, helping you stay calm and centered in the middle of a busy day. Instead of turning to drugs or alcohol, mindfulness helps you find better ways to cope with life’s challenges. It’s like having a toolbox full of useful tools.

Staying Strong Together

Practicing mindfulness with others in recovery builds a strong support team. You can help each other on this tough journey. It’s like having friends who understand what you’re going through.

In the end, mindfulness is like a superhero cape that helps you conquer addiction. It takes practice, but it’s worth it. Remember, you’re not alone on this climb. With mindfulness by your side and a supportive community, you’ve got what it takes to reach the top of that mountain called recovery.

Mindfulness: A Powerful Tool for Overcoming Addiction Read More »

Finding a DOT SAP: Your Guide to Substance Abuse Professionals

DOT SAP assessment & follow up services are needed if you test positive or refuse a DOT drug test

If you’re a commercial driver in the United States and have violated Department of Transportation (DOT) drug and alcohol regulations, you may be required to undergo an assessment and treatment program facilitated by a DOT Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). Finding the right DOT SAP is crucial to ensuring you meet the necessary requirements and can return to work safely. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of finding a qualified SAP and provide some guidance on how to do so.

Why You Need a DOT SAP

DOT SAPs play a pivotal role in helping commercial drivers with substance abuse issues get back on track and regain their eligibility to operate commercial vehicles. Here are some key reasons why finding the right SAP is essential:

  1. Compliance: DOT regulations mandate that individuals who have violated drug and alcohol policies must work with a SAP to evaluate their eligibility for returning to safety-sensitive duties. Failing to comply can result in suspension or revocation of your commercial driver’s license.
  2. Safety: Ensuring that individuals with substance abuse issues receive proper assessment and treatment is vital for the safety of both the driver and the public. A SAP’s role is to determine when it’s safe for a driver to resume their duties.
  3. Rehabilitation: SAPs help individuals address the root causes of their substance abuse problems and guide them through the recovery process. This support is essential for long-term success.

Finding a Qualified DOT SAP

  1. Certification: Ensure that the SAP you choose is certified by the Substance Abuse Professional Certification Board in their state. Certification ensures that the SAP has the necessary training and expertise to evaluate and assist individuals with substance abuse issues.
  2. Experience: Look for a SAP with experience in working with commercial drivers. They should have a thorough understanding of DOT regulations and the specific challenges that drivers face.
  3. Accessibility: Choose a SAP who is accessible and responsive. Timely assessments and guidance are crucial for getting back to work as soon as possible.
  4. Confidentiality: A reputable SAP will maintain your confidentiality throughout the assessment and treatment process, adhering to strict privacy laws.
  5. Compatibility: It’s important to find a SAP with whom you feel comfortable and can establish a trusting relationship. This will make the assessment and treatment process more effective.

Finding a DOT SAP is a critical step in the journey to rehabilitation and returning to your career as a commercial driver. By selecting a qualified, certified SAP with experience and expertise, you’ll increase your chances of successfully completing the necessary assessment and treatment and getting back on the road safely. Remember, compliance with DOT regulations is essential, for you getting back to work quickly. If you should have any questions about the SAP process in Florida or would like to learn more, call Cindy at (727) 815-6017.

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Facing Relapse Triggers: How to Stay Strong in Your Alcohol Recovery”

Road to Recovery: Facing Relapse Triggers: How to Stay Strong in your Alcohol Recovery

Alcohol recovery is a challenging journey, and one big challenge is dealing with something called “relapse triggers.” These triggers are like little alarms that can make you want to drink again. But don’t worry, there are ways to stay strong and face these triggers head-on.

Understanding Relapse Triggers

Relapse triggers can be things that make you think about drinking or make you feel like you need a drink. They can be different for each person, but common triggers include stress, sadness, hanging out with friends who drink, or even seeing alcohol in a store. It’s important to know what your triggers are so you can be ready when they show up.

Creating a Plan

Having a plan is like having a superhero shield against relapse triggers. When you feel a trigger coming on, you can use your plan to stay strong. Your plan might include things like calling a friend, going for a walk, or doing something fun to take your mind off drinking. Having these strategies ready can help you stay on track.

Finding Support

You don’t have to face these triggers alone. Friends and family can be your sidekicks in your recovery journey. Talk to them about what you’re going through, and let them know how they can help. Joining a support group is another great way to find people who understand what you’re dealing with. Sharing your struggles and hearing others’ stories can be really encouraging.

Changing Your Environment

Sometimes, it’s a good idea to change your surroundings if they’re full of triggers. If certain places or people make you want to drink, it might be best to avoid them for a while. Surround yourself with people and places that support your goal of staying sober. A safe environment can make a big difference.

Remembering Why You Chose Sobriety

Your “why” is your reason for choosing to be sober. Maybe it’s because you want to be healthier, have better relationships, or be in control of your life. Whatever it is, keep your “why” in your mind like a superhero’s mission. When you face a trigger, remind yourself of your reasons for staying strong. This can give you the strength to say no to that drink.

Facing relapse triggers is tough, but with the right tools and support, you can be a superhero in your own life. Identify your triggers, create a plan, find people who have your back, change your environment if needed, and always remember why you chose to be sober. These steps can help you stay strong and continue on your path to a healthier, happier life without alcohol.

Facing Relapse Triggers: How to Stay Strong in Your Alcohol Recovery” Read More »

What is the SAP process & how do I get back to work?

A SAP (Substance Abuse Professional) is a DOT/safety sensitive position qualified substance abuse counselor who can complete an assessment to start the process to help you return to duty.  A SAP also can do assessments for non DOT positions.  Typically the process begins with an assessment.  Due to COVID, the DOT has changed the in person assessment requirements until December, 2021.  The assessment can be completed in person or by telehealth such as with Zoom. 

If a driver is listed in the Clearinghouse, they will need to assign or designate the SAP prior to the assessment.  Important to remember once a SAP is assigned, that SAP will be with you during the process.  It is very difficult & timely to change a SAP once they are designated. 

The assessment process begins with meeting with the SAP who will obtain information about the violation, extent of substance abuse and form a recommendation/treatment plan for you to complete to return to duty.  The recommendations can range from substance abuse education, outpatient substance abuse treatment or if the level of care is needed, inpatient or residential substance abuse treatment.  The SAP can also recommend attendance at sober support meetings as well as drug and alcohol testing. 

Once the assessment is completed the employee or if required, the DER (designated employer representative) will receive a letter advising of the SAP’s recommendations and what steps will need to be completed prior to being eligible for return to duty testing.  The SAP is also responsible for updating the DOT Clearinghouse within 24 hours of the assessment and follow up sessions.

Once the employee completes all necessary requirements recommended by the SAP, the SAP & employee will schedule a follow up session to review & re-assess the situation to determine if the employee is ready for return to duty testing by the employer. 

Once the employee completes the requirements & after the follow up session, the SAP will update the DOT Clearinghouse with the date of the follow up in which the date will reflect the employee is “RTD testing eligible”. 

Another letter will be created that summarizes the steps the employee has taken to comply with the SAP’s recommendations as well as any follow up testing plan.  The employee will receive a copy of the follow up plan but not the testing plan.  The testing plan goes to the DER or employer only. 

The SAP process can be fairly quick & easy but the true length of time of the process depends on the employee’s motivation to complete the SAP’s recommendations. 

What is the SAP process & how do I get back to work? Read More »


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