How to Stay Clean & Sober During Pandemic Stay at Home Orders When the Other Adults There Aren’t

In Florida where I live the “Safer at Home” order has just been changed to a “Stay at Home” order during the pandemic.  This pandemic has caused all sorts of trauma & one important one in recovery is that we have lost our freedom to leave a situation when we want to.  I know people are struggling with staying clean and sober during this time because of all that stress and stay at home orders.

I wanted to provide some quick tips to help anyone stay clean and sober even if the rest of the adults in the household are not. 

My Facebook feed is filled with people stuck at home, bored and what are they doing day-drinking, having booze delivered, memes about remaining hammered most of the day.

So if you find yourself struggling to stay sober and the adults in your family are not cooperating, here are a few tips to help you.

Try to set healthy boundaries with your family (I know easier said than done 😉 )

Here’s the thing, most people who are struggling with a substance use disorder have some type of dysfunction in their family.  Trust me, its not only your family. All families have some type of dysfunction. 

So if you try to set a healthy boundary such as asking them not to bring alcohol in the house and it is still brought into the house, don’t start a confrontation just try to cope with it a different way.   

Important Tip: Many relapses start from confrontations with family members who are not sober. Just walk away & let it go

Let Go of Things Outside of Your Control & Take It One Day at a Time

These are 2 big game changing concepts to look at.  Many people are panicking about things outside of their control.  Remain in the present moment, do what you can today that really is all we can do. 

So what can you do today to help strengthen your recovery, minimize risk of relapse & remain calm

  1. Find a quiet spot & read the Big Book
  2. Attend a Virtual 12 Step Meeting Options (there’s a bunch)
  3. Learn how to Meditate & remain in the present moment
    • Try a free app like Calm or Headspace
  4. Avoid confrontations – You are not going to change them
  5. Video chat/text friends/sponsor who are in recovery
  6. Go sit outside in your yard in the sunshine 😊
  7. Create a list for yourself of the great 12 step sayings to read over or hang up in your room (they’re short & sweet but very powerful)
    • Here’s a few for you
      • Easy Does It
      • Progress not Perfection
      • Just for Today
      • This Too Shall Pass
      • Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes
      • Let Go & Let God (or whomever your higher power is)

Remember the most important takeaway from this post: If you are not actively working on your recovery, you are working on your next relapse 

So friends, just take it easy and remember this too shall pass.  We will move past this pandemic.  We are resilient and will be able to resume normal everyday life soon.

Until then, the best way to stay clean & sober is to have a plan of things you can actively do to stay clean & sober. 

If you are struggling with sobriety please feel free to reach out to me here in the comments below or give me at call at (727) 815-6017. Also if you would like to schedule an individual session to discuss things confidentially please check out this page

Tips on how to stay clean & sober at home when other adults in the home are not

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