The Best Ways I Have Found to Stay Positive

The best ways to be positive

I decided to write this blog post because I know how hard it can be to keep a positive mindset when things aren’t going your way and sometimes I find this difficult even with being a counselor.  😉  Yes, many times life is challenging for us in the field too.

I must say I have learned what to do when I find myself having negative thoughts about challenges or circumstances so that I can quickly change it around but it has taken time and practice.

So here are some ideas that I find helpful and I truly hope they help you too 😊:

  1.    I repeat sayings/quotes that remind me that problems don’t last forever

This technique is helpful because guess what all problems are temporary and especially when I take the emotional aspects out of it.  Also I find just by saying these out loud or even to myself get me out of that emotional brain and back into the rational one.

A key tip that I use is post motivational quotes on index cards or post it notes around my house.  They are hanging on my bathroom mirror and over the coffee maker 😉

  • Few examples:
    • “This won’t last forever.”
    • “Problems are temporary.”
    • “You’re overthinking this.”

2)      I  read something about being positive

This is helpful to me because typically after a few minutes of reading I find myself feeling much better about the situation.

  • My Recent Fav’s  ( I just read both and they are very good)


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3)     I listen to a guided meditation and take a nap

Yes, I know this is sort of like avoiding a problem but it does get me out of my head and focusing/listening to the voice of the meditation for a little bit.  I find I can easily relax and typically fall asleep which is fine because I find if I am not well rested, problems look extremely bigger and more frustrating than they really are in reality.

  • My Fav’s

I currently use the App called Calm but Headspace is another good one. You can find these in your phone’s play store.

4)    Finally I let go!

This is a game changer when you let go of things outside of your control.  Initially it takes time to get regular at doing this but if you find that a problem is overwhelming remind yourself what actually is within your control?  Very little really.

Also do what you can to fix the issue and once that you have done that let it go.  I truly believe God, the Universe or whomever is your higher power will take it from there.

Also remember it all goes back to the fact that all problems are temporary and focus on taking good care of yourself while you are waiting for the situation to change.

I truly hope these suggestions helps someone because I know they help me  now that I have implemented them into my day.  I have found that problems or circumstances that I don’t understand do not upset me for as long as they used too and I no longer find myself being a depressed, anxious mess.

Give them a try and let me know below how you remain positive when life is not going your way or seems overwhelming.

If you would like some help with learning to be more positive, click here to book your free 15 min recovery strategy call

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