How to End that Negative Mindset Quickly

You can change your negative mindset just by changing a few things

Negative mindset… fun topic right?  Not really but a lot of people seem to get stuck in a negative mindset and especially when life is not going the way a person expects.  When you suffer from a mental health issue such as depression or anxiety, negativity kind of comes with the package right?

Have you ever seen a happy depressed person? No not really because although a depressed person may fake a persona of happiness they really are not and their body language and especially their facial expressions will tell the tale.

Sometimes counselors and heck, I’ve even suggested the “fake it to you make it” mindset once in a while but let’s get real…. It works for a bit and then reverts to negative, depressed and anxious again.  I have a few tips that will help you change your negative mindset back to being happier, more content and then happiness will come and peace will come. 😊

Who Do You Spend the Most Time With?

So the first tip is to look at who you are predominately around most of the day.  If the people are negative and irritable, you will more than likely be negative and irritable.  It only makes sense.  Like attracts like or at least like makes you more like them.

Think about limiting time with negative people because they really do drain your energy and change your mindset.  These types of people are not fun to be around.  I call them energy vampires because they suck any positive energy right out of you.

A Tiny Speck of Gratitude Goes A Long Way

When feeling negative it is hard to see good things in your life but there is a way to feel better and it’s using gratitude.  Make a list of things you are grateful for.

To me I can recite that I am grateful for family and friends and I really am but I don’t include them on the list because they seem like a given.  I try to figure out other things.

I will give you a quick example list of 5 things I am grateful for off the top of my head.

  1. My dog’s wagging tail when I get home
  2. That I have a running water available whenever I want (most of the World does not)
  3. Clean sheets (I love getting into bed with clean sheets in the summer….delightful)
  4. That I have a car that can take me wherever I want especially when I see people walking or waiting for the bus
  5. That my needs are pretty much taken care of. I may want things but hey I don’t really need anything

So my advice, leave the family and friends off the list and make a random list of other things you are grateful for.  You will feel more content and positive when you see all of the things in your life you do have and watch your mood change in a positive way.

Get Back into Things You Used to Love to Do

Remember those old hobbies that you used to participate in when you had the time.  I get it, life is busy, running from one thing to the next and even with kids in the house it can be difficult to find some time but there is a reason you need to re-connect yourself with the things you love to do, it will help change your mood to more positive.

If you can’t come up with a hobby or activity, think of things that you used to enjoy doing in which the time flies by.  For me, it’s painting.  I had not painted in 10-15 years but got reconnected and I forgot how much I enjoy it and get into “the zone”.  It will feel like 15 minutes but really 2 hours will go by.  Take a look at Pinterest for ideas for your hobby.

You may still be saying “I don’t have the time.”  This is where you get out your calendar and schedule some time for yourself.  It is very important that you spend some quality time for yourself by yourself.  It doesn’t have to be a long period of time like hours I mean that is hard to carve out of a busy schedule but perhaps 30 minutes.  You will see when you start participating in things you used to like to do, you will look forward to that time and protect that part of your schedule for YOU.

So in summary, when looking to change your negative mindset to a more positive one, take a hard look at who you spend a majority of your time with and make changes.  Think about what you are grateful for and re-connect with yourself and doing things you love to do.  If you put these tips into practice, your depressed, negative mindset will make wonderful changes and your mindset will change for the better.

If you would like some help changing your negative mindset into a more positive one, book a free 15 min Recovery Journey call.  

To learn more about me, check out my LinkedIn profile

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