4 Ways to Put an End to Anxiety Without Meds

Anxiety can be a wicked beast if you let it.   Ask anyone who suffers from it.  It is more than a few butterflies in your stomach.  People that suffer from anxiety truly are experiencing pain and sometimes in a real physical sense.  Anxiety most of the time connects with depression.  The two typically go together like peanut butter and jelly.

This article is going to discuss 4 ways that you can end mild to moderate anxiety without the use of medications or at the very least minimize it to where it is manageable.

Tip #1 :  Re Write the Script

Think back to the last time you felt anxious.  Thoughts were probably going through your head such as “What if the job interview doesn’t work out?  What if they don’t like me?  What if the guy doesn’t call me for another date?  What if it hurts?  What if I can’t pay the bills?  What if….. (enter whatever you like) ” The list can be endless right?

When a “What If” statement pops into your head, immediately shoot it down because what if statements are based out of trying to predict something that is going to occur in the future and we do not know what is going to happen unless you are a psychic or something.  The “What If” is outside of our control.

An effective way to control these thoughts is to rewrite the script in your head and look at the situation with a glass half full approach.  Take the examples from earlier, “If that job interview doesn’t work out, well ok it probably wasn’t a good fit for me anyways and you know what they say when one door closes another one opens.” “If they don’t like me, well ok I don’t like being around judgmental people anyways, so I can look for other friends that are more like me.”  Try to rewrite what comes in your head.

Tip # 2:  Determine the Trigger

Anxiety typically is triggered by something like an event, a person, whatever.  One will be more able to effectively cope with it once you identify the trigger or what initiated the anxious feeling.   Identifying the trigger is key to tip 2.

After the anxiety passes and it does always pass.  Sit and consider the source of it.  Is it a person, an insecurity within yourself or a previous event?  Is it from a past trauma or someone not treating you right?

These subconscious triggers from the past many times with initiate a feeling of anxiety or worse panic attacks.  Once you identify the triggers, you can formulate a strategy to combat them.

For instance, and this is an elementary example but all I can think of at the moment, I truly hate snakes and am scared of them. I don’t want to be in the same room as them.  If we are planning a trip to the zoo, I mentally prepare a plan.  While everyone else is enjoying the reptile house, I will be waiting outside.  If for some reason I end up in the reptile house, I will breathe deeply and slowly a few times.  I will give myself a gentle reminder that they are all behind glass and that I am safe and keep walking through.

Another example perhaps in line with an insecurity from the past would be like this, I get anxious when people yell around me.  When I look at the trigger for that perhaps it is how I grew up or the result of a previous relationship.  When I recognize the trigger I realize hold on, I can set a boundary (rule) that if you want to be my friend or want me to stick around there will be no yelling.

I can also view it as this way, if I get anxious when someone is yelling, perhaps it’s my brain clicking into the fight or flight mode which is totally plausible since someone is yelling.   I hope you see what I am saying by rationalizing the thought.  I can get myself out of that situation and calm myself back down.

The key takeaway is to identify the trigger and plan a strategy to overcome anxious thoughts/feelings when meeting that trigger again in the future.  What is your plan?

Tip # 3:  Deep Breathing & Mindfulness Does Work

Oh snap, I know what you are thinking….she went to the deep breathing mindfulness hippie route.  Actually I am only giving tips that I know work because I have tried them and have overcame anxiety without medication.  I believe we all have struggled with some type of anxiety at some point in our lives.

Let’s look at this further, when I focus completely on my breath and breathe in slow and deep.  The type with the inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, you will relax or at least it will give you a point to stop feeding the anxious thoughts and focus on one thing…….breathing.

When an anxious thought comes like “I can’t calm down and I’m feeling panicked”, stop that thought and focus entirely and completely on your breath.  This is where mindfulness comes in because you are staying in that exact moment.  Say to yourself “Deep breath in…. deep breath out….” Or you can count to 3 for each inhale and exhale.  Another example of what you can say to yourself is “I can calm down.  I have calmed down before and I will today too.”

Tip # 4: Plan Ahead with Taking Care of Yourself

Anxiety typically hits the worst when you are over stressed, overwhelmed or trying to control a situation that is completely out of your control.  In the mental health field, we are taught and stress the importance of self-care, which is basically taking good care of yourself.

For myself I find that anxiety and depression will increase if my life gets out of whack or balance like I’m working too much or not recognizing the fact that I do not have control over others and situations pretty much.  To maintain a healthy body and mind, one must focus and place importance in taking care of yourself.

So that means getting a check up, taking vitamins if you eat a lot of junk (junk food is called junk food for a reason….it’s tasty junk but all the same junk you can’t eat it all the time and expect to feel good), drink more water and perhaps exercise.  If you are not into that, that’s cool neither am I (cardio….ugh just the word makes me tired) so I do yoga and meditate which helps ground me, increases my self-esteem and keeps my mood positive.

There was a brief period in my life I took anti-anxiety medication and honestly it did calm me down temporarily, but it didn’t fix the problem in the long run.  It was a band aid for the moment.  Overall it made me feel sluggish and my mood more depressed because I was feeling more sluggish and therefore not positive about anything and especially since I thought I couldn’t even control my own anxieties.    Make sense probably not lol… but I do get how awful anxiety and depression feels and how it continues with a snowball effect.

Everyone is different and if you struggle with anxiety try these tips as they do not require medication.  I understand the therapeutic value of medication and for some it is very effective, but I do know these tips do work for people.  If your anxiety is still not being managed by these suggestions, seek out a licensed mental health provider in your area.  They will be able to assess the issue and suggest treatment options.


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How Problem Solving Helps When Life Hits Hard

problem solving through challenges

There are times in life when we come against challenges, issues or when life hits a spell that’s not going your way and everything is going wrong.  Honestly, I hate when this happens and unfortunately, we all go through this at times.  Enter problem solving even in really tough times.

The issues I’m am talking about can be big ass punches  like life threatening illnesses, job loss, death, financial loss or significant relationship issues to smaller things that happen one right after the other like an unexpected bill, time management issues or a child who has gotten off course and driving you crazy with that teen attitude (yeah, if you have a teen you know the one 😉 ). When these issues hit, it is easy to sit there and think “I’m over it.  I can’t take anymore of this BS, I’m done.”

When challenges appear, it is not necessarily that you have done anything wrong and typically it’s not about you.  Identifying that is huge because it helps you stay away from feeling depressed and anxious which obviously can worsen with challenges.  It’s taking a realistic approach to the issue and using problem solving skills.

For example, your company laid you off. Totally not your fault. The company had issues but still your mind goes into panic, freak out mode and says “how are you going to support yourself?”

Don’t Get Stuck, Buttercup

This is where people typically get stuck or forge through the challenge.  I want to give you a way to continue on when you do not feel like it.  It feels easier to watch tv and sleep and shut out the world.  I like that idea sometimes, but that coping skill is not effective or problem solving at all.  It is stuffing it down for later and chances are why you are watching that show or trying to fall asleep, you’re dwelling on the thought/problem anyways.  If you do happen to fall asleep the problem is smacking you in the face as soon as you awaken.

These types of thoughts are called ruminating thoughts because they continue to play over and over in your head and typically the thoughts will start in with the initial issue and then turn on you like “you’re bad, you’re a loser, you’re broke”.   Those awful thoughts that make us feel bad about ourselves and increase depression and anxiety.  These are the negative thoughts that keep you stuck in worry mode and feeling awful about your situation and even worse, yourself.

Handling Your Business

The trick to getting rid of these types of thoughts is to challenge them.     You need to look at the negative thought as the complete BS it is and remind yourself “well I got the last job, I can get another one.”  You can remind yourself to take it one day at a time by looking at it this way “I may have a bad medical report but there are constantly new treatments and medications coming out.”

Now you may have to repeat those challenging statements over and over initially at least but at some point your brain will compute and then when a negative deal shows up, your brain will shoot it down with challenging it.

The key is you have to be willing to change your mindset because truly only you can fix your mood.  I know that you do not like the mood you are feeling or you wouldn’t be reading this.  We have all had difficulties with moods at times.  Me too but I found if I challenged those thoughts and looked at them rationally instead of emotionally I was able to cope with them better.

Kick that Anxiety to the Curb

So if your anxious to try this remember, what do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing…you’re already feeling anxious, depressed and lousy.  If panic is rising up, take a few long deep breathes and repeat “I will calm down.  I have calmed down before.  This negative situation/whatever will turn around.  It always does.”  Try listening to a guided meditation because if you focus on the person who is talking you are not focusing on the anxious thought.

If that does not work, remember there are always good mental health providers in your area.  Therapists and counselors are great for providing you with support, encouragement, and validation that you are not stuck on the crazy train, no one is actually.  If they do not do that for you, you need to continue to look around.  That provider might not be a good fit.

A useful mental health provider can help you take apart these negative thoughts one by one and challenge it.  Also they can help you learn the tools that you need to use when problem solving or when anxiety or depression come up so you can handle those thoughts/feelings and continue to move towards a life that you love.

Please leave your comments below on how you handle negative thoughts and anxiety.

If you are struggling please reach out to me below on the contact form and we can discuss what is the best move for you so that you can get back to that happy place that we all love to be in. Just put your name and email.  I’m no techie so I don’t know how to get the web address off the form lol…

Smile Sunshine, your life is about to change for the better 😊 .

If you would like to learn more about handling your challenges please book your free 15 min Recovery Journey call

If you want to learn more about me, check out my LinkedIn profile

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Embracing Fears and Eliminating Them from Your Life


Fear is a funny thing and overcoming it…not so funny.  Fear can keep one trapped in a rut in life limiting your potential.  Most people don’t like change.  Shoot I don’t like it but I do know when you don’t change you get stalled in life where you don’t grow, you don’t move forward and basically you just exist.

We are all meant to do more than that in life.  We all have a true-life purpose being here.  Everyone has their own gifts, strengths and talents and when we don’t pursue them, well life appears overwhelming, depressing and just hum-drum.  Depression and anxiety will mount where we are filled with regrets, wants and then fear.

Here’s a tip how to overcome that fear of change and move forward in life to fulfill your passion and achieve your full potential which in other words makes you more successful and happy.

Embrace Change

When life is not changing, and you find yourself stuck in a rut, take a risk, make a change and embrace it.  Change is scary I’m not going to lie but you know what without change we don’t achieve happiness and satisfaction.  Take a chance, change and pursue what you are passionate about.  Now I’m not talking about changing without a plan.  An action plan is something easy you can do to embrace change without crashing and burning in the process from stress.

Take your big goal whatever it may be let’s say for example starting a business, taking a risk like selling your artwork or whatever it may be.   Create an action plan with baby steps to achieve that goal.  For example, let’s say you are wanting to sell your art or crafts.  The big goal is I want to sell my ……..(whatever it may be).  Do some research.  Check out Etsy and other people that are successfully selling arts or crafts like yours.  Next step sign up and make a page for Etsy.  Create a price or ad for your product.  Go for it and list the product for sale.  See the big goal has been broken down into manageable steps to achieve the big goal.

You will find when you break down a goal that will change your life into little manageable steps your life will be happier.  Stress will be removed because you need to do one small step at a time in lieu of taking the big goal and feeling as if you must achieve it to obtain success.  If you break it down there is no fear and anxiety because you are moving forward one step at a time.  If the baby step doesn’t work that is where you re-examine it and modify that step and of course, try again.

Using this method can make you successful in any type of goal you may use to improve your life.  You can use this for losing weight, exercising, eating better, pursuing an interest, etc…

Try this plan next time you fear making a change and embrace it.  You will find when the big goal is broken down into action steps you will not be so overwhelmed, the issue won’t look so big and you will be able to continue to move forward.  Depression and anxiety will lessen and fear….well you can say “Bye Felicia” to the fear.

Life’s too short to be anything but happy and at peace.  Fear of change and success will just lead to more depression and anxiety.  Take a risk and move forward one baby step at a time.

If you find fear is keeping you stuck and cemented in your place where you can’t move forward, contact me by clicking  Here to get a free 30 min session by phone or Zoom.  I can help you come up with the plan to move forward.


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5 Ways to Get a ROCKIN’ All-Star LinkedIn Profile Quickly!!!



As a counselor and life coach, I’m all about setting goals and achieving those.  I want to help people move past the dark places in their lives and forward to a bright, happy future.  Like most people, you have to be employed to survive and have financial stability which minimizes feelings of depression and anxiety.  It is very important to market yourself and nowadays with social media most employers look to LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a really pretty AWESOME social media site.  You can find others in your industry, learn more about your industry through those thought leaders as well as promote your own business.  That’s right there are many ways with LinkedIn to promote yourself and your business to your community and beyond.

So with that, let’s get into specifics about how to make that profile of yours SMOKIN’ HOT & considered an ALL-STAR profile so that you stand out in the crowd.

1)  Fill It Out Completely

When you are completing your LinkedIn profile for yourself.  Fill it out completely.  People and potential customers are looking to you and your experience.  Be creative with your headline.  Use keywords in that.  Add all of your accomplishments.  You may think they are not important but realistically to a potential customer they will be important.  Add training classes, publications, website links, blogs, social media links, etc… You get the picture….be thorough!!!

2) Current Picture Please

Crucial….really…put an updated head shot & preferably not from your cell phone.  An updated head shot by a professional photographer is great.  One reason is you will eventually meet face to face with this potential customer and it would be wonderful if they can recognize you.

Many times connections are made ahead of time, emails exchanged and then a meet up occurs to discuss businesses.  When this networking occurs, it is best to place a face with the name.  It is really important and totally worth the cost of the head shots.  You know what, the investment in a great head shot is worth its weight in gold when it comes to branding, your professionalism and being taken seriously in business.

3)  Recommendations

Anyone who is serious about being taken seriously in your industry will look for endorsements or recommendations from people you have worked with.  To start out, it may boil down to emailing the former client/customer and asking for them.  Chances are they were happy with your services and will be fine with adding a few lines of a recommendation for your profile.  Recommendations will just build your credibility as a leader in your industry in your location.  Seek these out.  They are important.

4)   Endorsements

Along the same lines as recommendations, endorsements are crucial to your success and being taken seriously as a business that can provide superior service or products in whatever specialty you are in.  When you log into LinkedIn, it will ask you to endorse others that you are connected with.  Ok, so here’s where statistics factor in.  Chances are better than not, if you endorse them for their skills they will reciprocate.  Yep, so why not give it a try.  It increases your credibility.  Sweet!!!

5)  Post….Post….Post…..

The more active you are on LinkedIn like on any other social media platform, the more attention your profile will get which leads to more connections.  By posting superior content in your industry or just interesting material will build your credibility and you will see shortly connection requests coming to your inbox.   I recommend posting in the morning before the work day gets started.  No less than once or twice per day.

Now no anxiety attacks please, you can find great content and pre-schedule these posts through free platforms such as Hootsuite which make it extremely convenient if you are not near a computer and out doing some relaxing things on the weekend.  No need to stress really.

Ok, so now I have given you the top 5 tips to how I ended up with  an All-Star LinkedIn Profile.  You can do this too and it’s really not very difficult at all.

If you do have difficulties with it, please reach out to me below, by email or phone.  Also if anyone reading this has anymore suggestions on how to improve a profile, please comment below.


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How to Cope with Social Media Bullies

Have you ever experienced a social media bully? You know you send out an innocent tweet, post, IG picture or blog article.  Then the notification comes, ding…. you get excited someone else out there in cyberspace has responded to your post.  SWEET!!! But then you look a little bit closer and your heart starts racing and anxiety goes well on fleek.   It’s a negative or rude or hateful reply.  If you have been on social media for a bit, I’m sure you have experienced something of that type of thing once in a while.

This post will discuss cyber bullying as it happens and not just with the kids and teens.  It can happen with adults which is sad but true and can be a problem adding to any negative emotions like depression and anxiety that may already be around.  It can make them feel worse.  So what do we do about that?

Put It in Perspective

Don’t let a negative response ruin your day.  Easier said than done right?  Because we all want to be liked by others.  If you get negative feedback and find yourself dwelling on the comment.  Examine the user that gave that feedback.  I don’t mean google them or cyberstalk.  I mean look at it this way in that obviously the user who would put negative feedback out there is miserable in their own life and taking that out on you.  That tweet or post hit a nerve that they have not been able to cope with effectively and they took it out on you.

Actually that quote is quite valid.  Haters are gonna hate because they see something in you that they wish they were.  Don’t sweat it. Take it as a compliment.  You have something that others are jealous of whether that may be confidence, strength, beauty, wealth or bravery.  You got it sista’ 😀 Embrace your beauty!

Bullying happens and I’ve had that experience myself.  Below is an example that happened to me on YouTube.

Real Life Example

I made a video few years back.  Here’s the link if you want to check it out How to Think Happy Thoughts Quickly

The video was about using affirmations to help yourself feel better and happier.  For the most part it had a positive response from people but there were a handful of the negative people that did not like it and some were bold enough to but mean comments.

As this was my first time receiving negative feedback from social media, my initial reaction was shock and anger that someone would be so mean.  I started to feel bad about myself like maybe I do suck.

After a few minutes of that I composed myself and immediately blocked them from the channel and deleted their remarks.  I did not lower myself to respond to their childish behavior although I felt like it 😉 .   I removed the remarks so I would not have to re-read them when I went to the channel.  I did not want that type of trash programmed into my brain so that I felt bad about myself.   After a bit I thought about the user and that they were just using me to vent their frustrations in their own life, it had nothing to do with me.

Enter Calm

Once I re-framed where that user was I was able to feel better about the negative remarks.  Did I like them? No but I was able to control my temper and enter a place of sort of gentle understanding and then calm.   So, it was not a complete bad deal.  I felt sorry for the bully because they obviously did not know how to effectively deal with their own emotions but I was proud of myself because I didn’t take it to heart and neither should you.    Bullying is not about the victim, it is about the bully being unable to cope with their own insecurities and emotional baggage.

So if you receive a negative response on one of your posts, don’t let it get you feeling bad about yourself or anxious.  Do not give the bully satisfaction by responding to the negative BS.  Ignore it.  When the bully does not get a response, it causes them frustration. Remember delete the response so you don’t have to keep reading it and block them if you would like.  It’s an added protection for you so it won’t happen again from that person.

Have you ever fallen victim to cyber bullying? If so please share below so we can all help others who are coping with this.  How did you cope with it?

Also click here to subscribe to the Positive Directions Counseling YouTube Channel    I try to update it with videos discussing mental health topics and coping skills that work to help  alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety to live a happier more positive life.




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Taking Out Those Garbage Thoughts


Since May is mental health awareness month, I thought I would write an article about depression.  Sadly 1 in 4 people experience some type of mental health issue and I know depression is one that is a top dog and hard to manage.

Depression is characterized by feelings of sadness, lack of motivation and low self-worth that are persistent.  It sometimes leads to feelings of wanting to harm oneself.  It’s a dark place to be stuck in.  I’ve been there, stuck there and luckily climbed out of the dark pit.  It really did feel like a dark pit, but I know I’m not telling you anything new.  Everyone feels depression from time to time.

My journey included attending grad school to study psychology officially because the human behavior and the brain have always interested me.  Shoot I’ve been reading psych articles and books for years and it’s probably due to wanting to figure out my own emotions and why I feel the way I do sometimes.   Anyways learning about depression, I found a heavy emphasis on use of antidepressants, which according to research has been very helpful for people.  I agree sometimes medication can be helpful. However, I have also found personally I might add that sometimes it just isn’t enough or maybe I felt so depressed I didn’t notice that I was not feeling less depressed.  Hard to know really when your own brain is being affected.

To make a long paragraph short, I wanted to share a skill that I learned along my journey that have been useful.  By now you have probably figured out I am a very down to earth counselor/life coach, and as such truly only recommend skills I know that work.  They have worked in my own life as well as others.

Of course, seeking a mental health professionals recommendation prior to starting anything is prudent and a good idea.  They may recommend medication, but just remember there is no “magic pill” to solve all your mood problems.  I view psychiatry as a mixture of medications if recommended and useful skills to implement any significant change.  Many times, the negative mood states can be changed effectively without the need for medication but sometimes medication is helpful.

An effective coping skill that I have found for depression is basically identifying and correcting negative thought patterns.  We all have negative thoughts from time to time.  Much of the day actually is filled with negative “garbage” chatter is what I call it filling your head with negative thoughts like “you’re not good enough, you’re stupid, you’re worthless, you’re never right, you’re too fat, you’re ugly, you’re so old”….and the list goes on and on right?  Ever had those types of thoughts.  We all have.

Here is a strategy that I would like you to try the next time that garbage enters your mind and it is called thought stopping.  It is actually where you catch the thought and stop it and how you do that is….yes stop it by thinking in your head “nope not today.  That’s BS I’m not dwelling on that thought” and then you put the second step into action which is challenging that negative thought.  By that I mean you challenge it.   Is it valid?  Is it true? Let’s look at these examples of garbage thoughts and how I would challenge them.


Garbage Thought Challenge Thought
“You’re not good enough” “I’m the only (your name) Cindy Athey there is and I’m the best Cindy Athey there is.  I’m an original”
“You’re stupid” “I make mistakes sometimes we all do.  I’ve never met a perfect person.”
“You’re worthless” “I have worth. I’m a mom, I’m a hard worker.  I’m a good friend”
“You’re never right” “I’m typically more right than I’m wrong. Everyone makes mistakes”
“You’re too fat” “I’m the best me I can be right now”
“You’re ugly” “I’m a lovely original. One of a kind”
“You’re so old” “My years of experience have served me well & do I really want to be 20 again? Yeah…. no way….that’s always being impulsive and broke”


Give this strategy a try because it does work.  It takes practice because some of these negative thoughts have been in there for quite a long time.  I found once I started changing these thoughts my mood improved and so will yours.  I recommend coming up with at least 5 garbage thoughts.  Try to use the ones that are on automatic replay in your mind and come up with challenging statements to discount them.  Practice makes perfect and once you have tried this long enough you will find that the negative thoughts come into your mind less and less.  Also if one does slip through and come up, you will quickly be able to discount it and go on with your day.

Please leave comments about your garbage thoughts and how you have eliminated them.  I am always looking for new ideas to help others.  Also if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.



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How to Start a Blog like a Boss!

I entered the blogosphere a few years ago and have blogged off and on typically about mental health topics and ways people can not be as stressed in their daily lives.  My purpose is to bring happiness to others.  Helping is really my passion must be the Pisces things 😉  No but really I have always gravitated to helping others.  So I would like to help you too and here is my list of 5 ways to start that blog like a boss.

  • Pick a topic you love…love…love….

I cannot stress this enough when you think about writing a blog or creating some awesome content, you kind of really have to like what you are writing about.  I find if I am writing about something I really am interested in the ideas just flow out of my brain super-fast.  I mean way faster than I can type.  I’ve blogged for others in the past about topics I was not really that into and you know what happened.  Writer’s block, yep, I couldn’t get the brain going.  So my recommendation, write about what you love.  It’s easier.

If it’s difficult to come up with a topic, think for a second about what your friends ask you about.  What are you the expert at for them?  Cooking, budgeting, managing the kids?  For me, my friends typically want advice about managing stress, depression, anxiety, recovering from addiction and divorce.  I know I can help them with that.  Super easy because I’ve walked the walk and have been able to rise above many of the negative moods or at the very least know how to not get stuck there.

  • Search for a few blogs in your topic area

We know google is our friend so google the topic and see what the search engine brings back.  This will help you formulate your ideas and plan of attack so to say.  For instance, if I wanted to start a blog about healthy cooking, I would see if successful blog posts are typically doing well with recipes or talking about ways to shop healthier, etc….

  • Create the blog and start up webhosting

Before you jump in and start to create the blog, you need to decide on a blog platform.  There are 2 main ones, Word Press and Blogger.  Both are good but my preference is Word Press has more options to make your blog nicer looking.  I started on Blogger and my blog is still there but when I compared both of them it seemed as Word Press was a little trickier to get the hang of but had more theme options.

As for webhosting there are lots of options.  I found Blue Host was very affordable $3.95  per month and easy to set up.  I appreciate that because I consider myself somewhat techie but hey, seriously not really especially with a bunch of code and such.

  • Start with an introductory post

Start with an introductory post telling your reader a little bit about yourself and why you decided to start a blog.  I find this nice because I like to learn about others and it over time I feel as though I know the person.  Your blog should make the reader feel welcome and overtime the reader will feel like you are an authority on the topic.

  • Set Up Affiliate Links to Monetize the Blog Like a Boss

An affiliate link is a link to a company that you sort of work with to earn extra money.  You can set up to be an affiliate with all sorts of companies that you enjoy doing business with.  For example, I am an affiliate with Blue Host and what that means is when someone joins up under my referral they get an awesome deal and I earn money too.

Any boss, and yes you are one of your blog, wants to make money so like a boss this can be helpful because it is passive income that you are earning without really doing much and you are helping others.  Typically with affiliate links you are getting a great deal and helping someone else earn a little bit of money.  Cool idea!

I have become an affiliate with companies that I enjoy and created a page on my blog to that effect.  Check it out here:  https://cindythecounselor.com/fun-stuff/   I have listed things that will help others improve their mood because saving money or earning money for that matter always makes me happy.

Remember if you are feeling nervous or fearful to begin, it’s ok and that’s normal but put in perspective my definition of fear.  False Evidence Appearing Real!!! yep, there are many successful bloggers out there and you can be too.  I have total confidence in you.  If you have any questions or comments please leave them below and I will do my best to help you 😊

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