Embracing Fears and Eliminating Them from Your Life


Fear is a funny thing and overcoming it…not so funny.  Fear can keep one trapped in a rut in life limiting your potential.  Most people don’t like change.  Shoot I don’t like it but I do know when you don’t change you get stalled in life where you don’t grow, you don’t move forward and basically you just exist.

We are all meant to do more than that in life.  We all have a true-life purpose being here.  Everyone has their own gifts, strengths and talents and when we don’t pursue them, well life appears overwhelming, depressing and just hum-drum.  Depression and anxiety will mount where we are filled with regrets, wants and then fear.

Here’s a tip how to overcome that fear of change and move forward in life to fulfill your passion and achieve your full potential which in other words makes you more successful and happy.

Embrace Change

When life is not changing, and you find yourself stuck in a rut, take a risk, make a change and embrace it.  Change is scary I’m not going to lie but you know what without change we don’t achieve happiness and satisfaction.  Take a chance, change and pursue what you are passionate about.  Now I’m not talking about changing without a plan.  An action plan is something easy you can do to embrace change without crashing and burning in the process from stress.

Take your big goal whatever it may be let’s say for example starting a business, taking a risk like selling your artwork or whatever it may be.   Create an action plan with baby steps to achieve that goal.  For example, let’s say you are wanting to sell your art or crafts.  The big goal is I want to sell my ……..(whatever it may be).  Do some research.  Check out Etsy and other people that are successfully selling arts or crafts like yours.  Next step sign up and make a page for Etsy.  Create a price or ad for your product.  Go for it and list the product for sale.  See the big goal has been broken down into manageable steps to achieve the big goal.

You will find when you break down a goal that will change your life into little manageable steps your life will be happier.  Stress will be removed because you need to do one small step at a time in lieu of taking the big goal and feeling as if you must achieve it to obtain success.  If you break it down there is no fear and anxiety because you are moving forward one step at a time.  If the baby step doesn’t work that is where you re-examine it and modify that step and of course, try again.

Using this method can make you successful in any type of goal you may use to improve your life.  You can use this for losing weight, exercising, eating better, pursuing an interest, etc…

Try this plan next time you fear making a change and embrace it.  You will find when the big goal is broken down into action steps you will not be so overwhelmed, the issue won’t look so big and you will be able to continue to move forward.  Depression and anxiety will lessen and fear….well you can say “Bye Felicia” to the fear.

Life’s too short to be anything but happy and at peace.  Fear of change and success will just lead to more depression and anxiety.  Take a risk and move forward one baby step at a time.

If you find fear is keeping you stuck and cemented in your place where you can’t move forward, contact me by clicking  Here to get a free 30 min session by phone or Zoom.  I can help you come up with the plan to move forward.


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