Insomnia Skill to Use When It Strikes

insomnia can really cause havoc in your life if not gotten under control
Don’t let depression, anxiety and insomnia ruin your night, you can change it

Insomnia is when you find it difficult to sleep. In the middle of the night, I would wake up with insomnia. I was thoroughly exhausted thinking about things that cause me to feel depressed, anxious, anything except peaceful happy things.  That doesn’t happen to me much anymore, rarely really and here is why and here is how you can stop it from happening to you. 

There is no need to drink yourself to sleep, smoke a blunt or pop a pill to find rest.  In other words, sorry Big Pharma or Mr. local Drug Dealer but really there is a better way. 

Big Pharma or the local drug dealer wants you to continue to be their customer.  Look at the profits in sedatives or benzos alone (45% of the US population use them on a regular basis) and as for weed, 1 in 7 adults smoked weed regularly as of 2017.

Therefore, that’s a huge amount of people for the pharmaceutical companies or local drug dealers and therefore it’s all about profit, which unfortunately there is a lot of profit. This is not even taking into effect the addiction potential of various substances. 

In other words I could go on a rant about this for days so keep reading friend there is a natural, easier way to help you below.

End of Rant

I like to think of as the next big thing…..  And what is that you ask…..ACCEPTANCE.

I know you’re thinking….. ooook???? I don’t get it.  Well let me explain. 

Did you know that synonyms of acceptance according to Webster is “getting, taking and receiving.” 

Here’s how you get to take your peace and happiness back & receive a better night’s sleep:

Look at these 10 statements about acceptance and really sit and think about them:

(this is where you take your power back 🙂 )

  1. Accept that sometimes people do or say mean things and it has nothing to do with you it’s all about them
  2. Sometimes people are going to hurt you and those are not your tribe or at the very least the people you want to spend significant time with in your life
  3. Accept that sometimes these unhealthy people need to leave your life
  4. Worrying never solved any problem
  5. Ask yourself if you have been coping with shit in your life in an unhealthy way like drinking, smoking weed or popping a pill
  6. Accept that if you are sad you are ruminating on past events that can never be changed
  7. Accept that if you have anxiety, you are thinking about things outside of your control
  8. Remind yourself that you can take your power back and control your thoughts in a positive way
  9. Accept that you have some great things going on in your life
  10. Accept that you are not a fortune teller, have no crystal ball and cannot predict what your future holds
once insomnia is under control you will sleep like a baby
How peaceful does this sweet little baby look 🙂 & pretty soon that can be you too without insomnia

The Wrap Up

These are some statements I have personally used in the past to let middle of the night worries/sad thoughts go which has helped me get back to sleep and get better rest without the need for anything extra. 

Therefore, to be able to sleep better, try this method.  Print out these statements and look them over I’m sure some of them apply in your life.

For instance once you sit, read aloud and contemplate these accept statements you will feel more at peace and be able to fall back asleep quicker and without drugs or alcohol . 

If you need some help with getting insomnia and thoughts, click here to book your free 15 min recovery strategy call

You can learn more about me here on my LinkedIn profile

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