Lions & Tigers & Anxiety – Oh My

Lions, tigers and anxiety oh my
Anxiety can truly be a bear at times 🙁

About anxiety

Ugh…. yes it can feel like a bear if we let it.  I have never met a person who does not feel anxious from time to time and sometimes anxiety can be unrelenting if you let it. 

I find that I meet many people feel crippled because of it.  People that are not enjoying their lives.  People that are stuck in their homes.  They are calling off work, not going to school and basically spending their days miserable.

Also I like to say anxiety typically goes with depression like peanut butter and jelly.  PB & J has always been one of my favs 😊 but when we look at anxiety, depression is typically there also. 

People that suffer from those mental health issues many times feel like anxiety is never going to go away which increases feelings of depression.  The never-ending anxiety/depression hamster wheel going around and around…. Exhausting. 

Tip to Alleviate Anxiety

That is why I decided to share my one awesome tip to alleviate anxiety and will reduce feelings of depression.  It may not make it go away entirely or immediately but I can pretty much guarantee with practice this skill will help you manage anxiety so it does not keep you stuck.

Also PSA I am not a psychiatrist nor do I play one on tv so this is helpful advice only and does not replace consulting with your medical or mental health provider.

Most Awesome Anxiety Reducing Tip Ever 

Find freedom from anxiety
Practice the following anxiety reducing tip and feel the freedom

The most effective tip to reduce anxiety IMHO is not Xanax or Klonopin (although these medications have proven to be helpful but I’m not a medication provider and as an addiction counselor can see how these medications can increase one’s dependency on medications – I’m more a natural approach kind of girl. 

Plus some of those medications have side effects that can make you tired and who wants that) So I know you are thinking what do I do then?

It basically boils down to control.  People are miserable when they try to control things that are outside of their control.  Anxiety and depression for that matter can really ramp up when we try to control things that are outside of our circle of control. Also this can increase the risk of any type of relapse. 

Circle of Control

So what types of things am I talking about? Other people’s behaviors, words, attitudes as well as circumstances. For example someone is rude to you, the car breaks down, the kids are sick or there are work policies/procedures that you can’t change. 

When you sit and think about why you feel anxious and what is causing it.  I can pretty much guarantee it (the worry or thought about the worry) is outside of your control. 

Ok so what is inside of your circle of control:  your thoughts, behaviors, attitudes and that my friend, is the key to reducing or stopping anxiety all together.

Freedom from anxiety is letting go of things outside of your control
Let go of what is outside of your control

Let’s try some examples: 

Situation Example:  I’m feeling anxious because I feel I am going to be late to a very important meeting.  I live in Fl (land of traffic jams & oh so many red lights 😉 ).  I am driving in my car and feel my anxiety creeping up in my chest. 

So to manage it, I take a deep breath (a breathe in and count to 3, hold the breath for 3 and breathe out and count to 3 type and talk to myself by saying “Ok am I in control of this traffic? Can I jump over cars to get to the meeting quicker? No of course not.  So I guess I will listen to my radio and realize I will get there when I get there.”  Next time to alleviate any anxiety, I will plan to leave a bit earlier to account for any possible traffic jams. 

Other People Example: I’m feeling anxious because when I am around Dan he makes me feel nervous.  To challenge this type of anxiety with another person examine your inner thought life.  People get anxious around other people when they do not feel confident in themselves. 

Some of the negative thoughts I may have for this example “I’m not as good as Dan.  I’m not as smart as Dan. “  To correct this thinking, here is a skill that works.  Inner thought:  “I’m am the best Cindy I can be.  Dan puts his pants on the same way I do.  He is no better than me so who cares what he thinks about me.  I’m just as good as he is.” 

When you examine the situation or your thoughts in this manner you take the pressure off which typically causes anxiety to decrease as well as depression.  You are letting go of people’s views or situations that are outside of your control. 

Letting it go

It’s all about looking at the situation or the other person logically and not emotionally.  Logically can you change traffic or someone else’s thoughts…..Nope so let it go.  This skill takes practice and you won’t get it all the time but with time you will see you can manage any anxiety easier and it will leave your body & mind quicker without the use of medication. 

You can beat anxiety
Love this quote from the Wizard of Oz ( I used to hang it on my fridge for motivation)

So comment below if you’ve tried this strategy for anxiety.  How did it help?  What did you do?  What was the anxiety about?  Also if you are struggling with anxiety or have questions about it, please comment below or email me at 

You can also click the link to book a free 15 min recovery journey strategy call

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